Left to right: Joan Braune, Greg Capillo, Matt Heil, John O'Shea, Enku Ide
Friday, April 29, 2011
Protesting ALEC in Cincinnati
Left to right: Joan Braune, Greg Capillo, Matt Heil, John O'Shea, Enku Ide
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Rand Paul, our schools are not for sale!
The BCTC and UK SSUs quickly organized a protest:

We received many wonderful honks of support from passing drivers! We were also interviewed by the Lexington Herald-Leader, but they did not mention the protest in their article about the event in today's paper, which stressed Paul's plan to run to President (ahhh!). An annoyed letter-to-the-editor might be in order.
Friday, April 15, 2011
From the Lexington Courthouse Plaza to Cincinnati!
Our antiwar rally at the courthouse and subsequent SSU meeting last Saturday were well-attended, lively, and three people even came in all the way from Louisville! We also got some press coverage from the local ABC affiliate. It was be out on the streets as thousands were marching all over the country for an end to the wars abroad and for prioritizing human needs over the burgeoning U.S. defense budget.
Coming up: Our next major effort is a carpool from Lexington to Cincinnati on Friday, April 29 to attend the big national rally against ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is a right-wing think-tank whose shenanigans recently became public thanks to a Wisconsin professor (whose private e-mails the GOP demanded to see, in retaliation). ALEC has pushed union-destroying anti-labor laws in the midwest and anti-immigrant legislation in Arizona (the famous SB 1070, which encouraged racial profiling by police and led to the movement to "Boycott Arizona"). If you're interested in joining the carpool, either hitching or offering rides, please contact me at standinsolidarity@yahoo.com, and let me know.
Stay tuned for updates about our participation in a growing Kentucky movement in solidarity with the immigrant farmworkers of Immokalee, Florida (about the Immokalee Workers, visit: http://www.ciw-online.org.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Rally: "Fund Our Future, Not the Wars!"
"...Fund Our Future, Not the Wars!"
Saturday, April 9, 3 pm
Courhouse plaza (Main and Limestone, across from public library), Lexington, KY
Speakers, music, march, and (optional) die-in! Some signs provided, but bring your own if you like. All are welcome; please spread the word!
Organized by: Bluegrass Community and Technical College Student Socialist Union (BCTC SSU), University of Kentucky Socialist Student Union (UK SSU)
Co-sponsors include: BCTC Students for Peace & Earth Justice, Kentucky Unified National Antiwar Committee, Socialist Action