A blog for the *University of Kentucky Socialist Student Union* and the *Bluegrass Community and Technical College Student Socialist Union*
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tabling for Farmworker Justice
Joan Braune and Clayton Brown tabling on Thursday last week behind the UK Student Center, for the U.K. SSU and gathering signatures on postcards asking Kroger to agree to the demands of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. Six UK students were involved with tabling for the SSU over the course of the week, and we have a great response and some great discussions throughout the week.
The UK SSU welcomes students or others, who are socialists or interested in socialism, to get involved. We are a student activist group based at University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY in the U.S.). We are unaffiliated with any larger socialist parties/organizations.
Our three issues of focus have tended to be:
(1) Tuition-free college education for all
(2) Support a living wage for campus workers
(3) Oppose imperialist U.S. military invasions
For more information or to get involved, visit our Facebook group, "U.K. Socialist Student Union," or e-mail standinsolidarity@yahoo.com.
Except for any announcements we may post about upcoming SSU events and where otherwise noted, opinions expressed in posts are the opinions of individual posters and should not be taken as official statements by the SSU.
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